When thinking about your health while out on the road, your mind may go to eating healthier or fitting in more workouts. While these are both important factors to your health, there are other ways to stay healthy on the road.
Having some emotional support from your pet can go a long way when you’re, well, driving a long way. This is why Hirschbach has a pet policy for its truck drivers.
Here are some benefits to trucking with your pets:
Having your best buddy with you on the road can help keep you calm if you get stuck in traffic or hit bad weather. You’ll have a constant companion with you so you don’t get lonely out on the road.
Dogs can help keep you from pushing yourself too hard. Your dog will need to take breaks, and in turn, you get one, too. Added Benefit - when you get out there and exercise your dog, you also get out there and get some extra movement too!
Having your pet with you gives you extra motivation to stay safe and an extra layer of responsibility when you’re out there.
Are you considering bringing a pet with you? Here are some factors to consider when you take your dog out on the road with you:
Rules on the Road for Hirschbach pets include:
To learn more regulations and rules about the driver pet program, please contact your driver manager or a recruiter (402-404-2018).